How to Make the Most Out of Your Twenties


If you’re in your twenties, you’ve probably heard “I wish I knew *insert life discovery* at your age!” Life, love, career - it’s hard to navigate the new world of adulthood without feeling a bit lost. As two twenty-somethings, we have a love-hate relationship with our 20s, but we’ve learned that’s the beauty of it. Along the way, we’ve learned how we should look at this time - full of discovery, hard work, and beautiful experiences.

1. Learn, learn, learn.

Learning doesn’t stop in the classroom. Your 20s can be the most formative years of your life 0 if you let them. Take every opportunity. Get a mentor. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. And most importantly, look at every situation as a lesson to be learned. 

2. Save and invest.

“Time is money.” The old saying is true – while currency has monetary value, so does your time. Say “no” to things you don’t want to do, and invest your energy into things that will help build the life you want to live.

3. Create a routine.

Are you the one that sets 10 alarms in the morning just to dredge out of bed? (No judgement here because this is totally us somedays). Habits created in our 20s tend to stick with us for life, so this is the perfect time to create healthy rituals, whether that’s your mornings, productivity, or workout regime.

4. Prioritize your health.

Busyness is a blessing and a curse. Everyone loves to feel productive, but it’s easy to feel guilty in your downtime. You can be your best friend or worst enemy, so it’s essential for you to be attuned to all aspects of your health. Do what is necessary to prioritize your health, and your work will reflect that commitment to yourself.

5. Follow your dreams (and your gut!)

Don’t let fear stop you from doing what you want. This is the time to explore your dreams and grow in ways you never thought were possible. When masterminding a plan to chase your dreams, always trust yourself. Sit with your soul and think about what you want for your life, and you will find a sense of peace when your mind, heart, and spirit align.

6. Value quality over quantity.

As you move into adulthood, you’re going to “lose” some things. Whether it’s a relationship or your material items, remember to recognize the impact those connections made. Thank them for their role in your life, and look to the future - bright and waiting for you.

7. Live in the moment.

The past and the future can be scary, but they can also rob you of the present. Living in the moment may look different for everyone, but these universal rules can help everyone. Let go of past events (easier said than done!) Recognize those interactions live in your past, but do not hold the keys to your future. Also, remember to unplug. Find a balance between capturing moments for your followers and experiencing those memories firsthand with the people and places you love.

Any tips you would add? Let in the comments below or DM us (@theinfluenist) on Instagram!


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