5 Tips to Improve Your Perseverance to Ensure Success


“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
 ― Thomas Edison

What is perseverance? It is that little voice in your head that pushes you to keep going in the face of setbacks and challenges. It is your staying power to follow through; your innate human drive to survive and thrive.

Everyone experiences hardships and failures in life. It is those who get up again and again with resilience that succeed. While you can’t avoid this, you can try to plan and prepare for it the best you can. Below are five tips to improve your perseverance so you can push forward to create the success you’ve always dreamed of.

1. Get Clear.

Be crystal clear on your goal and the WHY behind it. Be detailed and create actionable steps, with flexibility in mind, to achieve the goal. Break the goal into small steps, working backward form your desired outcome. Getting clear on your what and your why is extremely important, especially when you start to hit roadblocks and resistance down the road. You can always come back to this to remember why you set forth to achieve this in the first place.

2. Practice Visualization.

Imagine yourself living your goal every single day. What does your goal look like, smell like, and feel like? LIVE in your goal. Doing this activates the law of attraction and brings the people and resources into your life to accomplish your goals. This practice isn’t just for the yogis, pro athletes and 7-figure entrepreneurs credit visualization for their wins and successes. Want to know more about meditation and visualization? Head, here to read about it more in depth.

3. Cultivate a Network of Support.

Build a network of support who will be your biggest cheerleaders and are ready to offer encouragement when you have self doubt. This network can include family, friends and co-workers who you feel comfortable going to for feedback, advice and encouragement.

4. Be Willing to Pivot.

It’s important to be aware when you are blindly pursuing an idea that just doesn’t work. The well known saying, often credited to Einstein, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results” proves this point. Check in with yourself - make sure your steely determination isn’t turning into stubborn single-mindedness. When you recognize something isn’t worth the resilience, pivot. Try something different. Perseverance should be paired with flexibility and judgement.

5. Welcome Failure.

Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure isn’t a negative thing - view failures as lessons to move forward, not setbacks! Remember that failure teaches you how something doesn’t not work. Entrepreneurs who view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow will always benefit in the long run. There is the ability to learn new insights and develop new ideas through the failure, which can benefit your end goal.

If you can master perseverance, not only will you grow as a person by developing resilience and willpower, you will become a visionary who can see what works and what doesn’t. The more you practice perseverance, the better you get at it. Remember that while you can’t prevent challenges and setbacks, you can plan and prepare for it. Set clear goals and visualize you living them every single day. Surround yourself with a community of cheerleaders that you are comfortable getting feedback from. Remember to pair perseverance with level-headed judgment and flexibility, and pivot when needed. Finally, use failure as your greatest lesson on the path of success.


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