The Influenist | Empowering The Creative Powerhouses of Tomorrow

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The 4 Types of Goals You Should Set (and Crush!)

Let’s talk goals. You don’t have to wait until the new year to challenge yourself to grow in different areas of your life. Goals are meant to push, inspire, and grow us in our personal and professional lives. Your list of change might be a long one, so trying to find the goals that articulate your desires may not be an easy feat. Not to worry! Here are the four types of goals everyone should set (and will crush!)

1. Create Social Connections

Friends just make life better. They’re there for you when you need someone to pick you up, cheer you on, and believe in you. The people you surround yourself with should push you to become a better, stronger person, and you shouldn’t accept anything other than that. Choose to give your energy to those who will have your back no matter what (and it definitely doesn’t hurt if they’re down for spontaneous road trips either!)

2. Reconnect With Yourself

The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. It’s important that you stand firm on your values and vision no matter what life throws at you. Feeling a little lost? Take yourself on a date. Whether you treat yourself to your favorite restaurant or a night at home, schedule time to reconnect with what makes you feel alive.

3. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone

It’s called growing pains for a reason. Setting a goal that pushes your limits will show you that you are capable of anything. You don’t have to go drastic at first. Start by trying a new type of food or music genre, and gradually build up. You might feel uncomfortable at first, but stick with it. By expanding your horizons, you will approach any life situation with a new sense of confidence.

4. Establish Positive Habits

Think New Year Resolutions that actually stick. Our one piece of advice: consistency is key. The longer you do these habits the more they will integrate into your everyday routine. You might see positive results and get ahead of yourself by trying to master other patterns. Make a list of the healthy habits you would like to form, and choose one to learn every couple months. Slow and steady wins the race!

What types of goals are you looking to set? Let us know in the comments below or DM us (@theinfluenist) on Instagram!
