6 Most Transferrable Skills To Help Land Your Next Job

6 transferable skills

If you’re looking for a job, whether it’s your first out of college or your transferring into a new career, you might wrestle with the fear of not having the right skills for the new industry. Don't freak out quite yet - because you might have skills that managers across industries are always looking for, aka transferrable skills. When we say skills that are transferrable, we are talking about those that enable you to relate and communicate to people and deal with challenges in your work life.

Technical skills can usually be learned, but personality traits are a lot harder to change. If you’re looking for a job, demonstrate these transferrable skills when writing your resume, cover letter and email pitches. OH - and you bet these skills come in handy when working for an Influencer. When you are helping run the ship, you need to wear as many hats as you can and these skills will help you succeed in each task.

1. Collaboration

Unless you are a one woman show, you are likely going to be working with other people. Teamwork can be difficult, but it is critical in any working environment. If you are a good collaborator, you can work amongst others respectfully, as no other person thinks or acts just like you. Successful team players, always remember the team’s success as a whole should always come first. (For example, you might take on an extra task because it is for the good of the team - not because you want to look good).

2. Communication

Being able to communicate is essential in any working environment. This includes verbal communication as well as listening skills. Do you know when and how to speak and when do sit back and listen?

3. Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is problem solving on a professional level. Can you approach a challenge with clarity, recognize solutions and then implement the best strategy to solve that challenge?

4. Time Management & Organization

Are you a killer multi-tasker? If you are, you most likely have good time management and organization skills. Multi-tasking is built upon three things: staying organized, establishing priorities, and managing time. Employers look for candidates that can stay on top of projects and hit deadlines.

5. Creativity

Creative skills vary in meaning depending on your job or industry. In general, think about it as thinking outside of the box, discovering new ideas, and then being able to bring those ideas to life. True creativity is not just idea generation or just execution - it is a combination of both.

6. Leadership

Leadership is probably the most complex transferable skill. It involves harnessing the previous skills and having a clear presence of professional values. To be a leader, you must understand what is means to be a team player in order to inspire and lead your team. You use critical thinking and creativity to assess and solve problems and bring ideas to life. You have the ability to communicate clearly to your team and listen to them. You also manage your time wisely and ensure your team is doing the same.

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