Instagram to Interview: 3 Considerations When Branding Your Social Media


Breaking into any job industry is tough. Breaking into the influencer industry (especially if you want to work for a content creator) can seem like Greek. Where do you start? What do you say? How do you brand yourself? We’ve been there, and we’ve picked up some insider tips along the way to help you stand out from the rest.

1. Content creators are visually stimulated people.

In today’s world, researching someone takes a simple Google search - birth date, phone number, social accounts. Creatives don’t stop there though. They don’t just look at what platforms you’re on, they look at how you use those platforms. If they’re looking to increase engagement and manage postings, they want to see how you understand algorithm and a content schedule. If they want creative direction, they’ll look to see if you know aesthetic. Basically - if you can do it for yourself, you can do it for them. Does this mean you have to become a bonafide content creator? No. It doesn’t matter how often or what you post, but how you utilize the platform to work in your favor when you do.

2. You still need a resume.

Though digital is the game, you still need to have the tried-and-true (aka a resume and cover letter). If nothing else, it shows a potential boss you are a professional that has spent time to research and personalize your expertise to them. So, what exactly should you put on your resume? First, include experience and skills you’re proud you have. When in an interview, this excitement will translate into being passionate about the applied position. Next, use keywords from the particular job posting or those that describe the role you wish to receive. Lastly (and probably most important), give them value. Tell them specifically how you could help them grown their brand by doing a quick brand and social audit to find the areas your expertise would fill gaps.

3. This job is not made for you to become an influencer.

It’s easy to get caught in the glitz and glam, but let us tell you - it’s not all VIP events and high fashion shoots. There’s strategy, long hours, and exhausting days, so make sure you’re getting in this industry for the right reason. Are we saying you can’t want to turn content creation into a full-time career? No, but you need to be able to separate your personal goals with those of the company. This world is full of amazing potential and connections, so the possibilities are endless to where you let them take you (just remember to be a professional along the way!)

Social media is the modern-day portfolio, so it’s essential you know how to use this powerful tool to enhance your professional branding. Whatever your end career goal is, remember this. If you post it, it becomes part of your brand. Use your expertise to craft the public image you wish to be seen, and the right opportunities will come to you.

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