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Why Visualization is Actually Good for Your Success

Entrepreneurs all over the world use visualization techniques to harness success. What is visualization? It is basically concentrated dreaming. When we get clear on what we want in our mind and visualize it in detail, our brain clocks it as a victory. Our brain then releases dopamine, which is a chemical that is linked to rewards. Dopamine not only lets us see rewards, it pushes us to achieve that reward over and over again. The best part? Our brain can’t determine the difference between a visualized image of success and reality, as demonstrated in a  Harvard Study . We can literally rewire our brain to believe our wildest dreams are coming true!

On top of helping you get clear on your dreams, visualization can combat negativity, boost creativity, and foster purpose. It helps you get aligned with you biggest, baddest self in order for you to accomplish anything you set your mind to. Want to get clear on how to make visualization your reality? Read our tips below.

Tips to take visualization to the next level:

1) Get Crystal Clear

Quiet your mind and get really, really detailed about the goal you want to achieve. You need to get so clear that you not only start to sense what your goal looks like, but also what it smells like and what it feels like. After you visualize the outcome, picture the steps it will take to get there, the challenges you might face, and how you will overcome them.

2) Keep an Abundance Mindset

By living your life through an abundance mindset, you understand that there are limitless opportunities in life and business. It fosters confidence in your abilities and reminds you that there is room for everyone at the table.

3) Create a Vision Board

Bring the visions in your mind into the physical plane. Create a vision board either on Pinterest or on a poster board. Post or print images that represent your goal, including words, abstract imagery, and photography. Look at it often. When you look at your vision board it should bring you back to your visualization practice, ground you, and encourage you to push forward.

4) Write it Down

You are almost 50% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Write down your goal on a piece of paper and look at it every. single. day. It will reminder your brain of the vision you set forth and trigger the law of attraction - which will bring the people and resources into your life that you need to achieve it.
