The Influenist | Empowering The Creative Powerhouses of Tomorrow

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How to Motivate Yourself When You Don't Want to Do Anything

You have a stack of deadlines, and you feel like doing nothing. Sound familiar? We’re right there with you. Procrastination is a frenemy that we let in a little too often, but it doesn’t magically make your to-do list disappear (we wish!) Knowing how to get yourself out of a slump and into your work will improve your overall mindset and reduce future stress.

1. Write it down.

You might think you have a running to-do list clocked in your mind, but do yourself a favor, and write it down. Seeing what you have to do in front of you will help you start to visualize your schedule for the day. Also, did we mention how satisfying it is to be able physically to cross off a completed job - it feels amazing!

2. Zone in and jam out.

It’s time to get in the zone - what should you do? Listening to music or a podcast is a great way to hype you up while blocking out distractions. Whatever you choose to listen to, make sure it’s at a volume that will not hinder you from doing your work! Need a suggestion on what to listen to, Cass’ favorites are rain and wave sounds while Jess opts for jazz music.

3. Phone a friend.

Everybody needs a pep talk sometimes. Calling a loved one can help calm any anxiety you have for the tasks at hand while receiving motivation and support. You can even plan to meet up with them so you can work on your separate to-do lists together!

4. Fuel your mind (and body!)

What you put into your body is the fuel you run on. Eating regularly keeps you energized and focused, and come on, food is always a great motivator ☺ Try to stay away from foods that are rich in carbohydrates while working since they can make you extra sleepy, and don’t forget to drink your water!

5. Treat yourself.

It’s the end of the day, and guess what?! You got a lot done! Make sure to treat yourself for finishing certain tasks either throughout the day or after you’ve clocked out. This will train your brain to view completion with reward. So, run that bubble bath, open that glass of wine, and rewatch your favorite show (for the 100th time!)

How do you overcome procrastination? Let in the comments below or DM us (@theinfluenist) on Instagram!
