The Influenist | Empowering The Creative Powerhouses of Tomorrow

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4 Ways to Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions

Oh, the New Year! A time of celebration, hope, and…resolutions. We all know about resolutions and hate them or love them, we make them every year. What if we told you that they didn’t have to be something that withered away mid-January? That you could actually set out (and accomplish) your yearly goals without feeling daunted? Today, we’re share our four tried-and-true ways to help write, execute, and crush your New Year’s resolutions!

1. Set clear and concise goals

It’s easy to write down a vague goal because it’s our mind putting off the logistics of reaching it - aka procrastinating. Come up with measures that will make it easier (and less overwhelming) to achieve. For example, instead of saying “become a digital entrepreneur,” say “Gain 2 clients by July 1, 2021.” We promise you, this will help you visualize your desired outcome while attaching actionable steps to it.

2. Get an accountabuddy

Everything is better with a friend! Sometimes, we need a little help and encouragement to keep us on course to crushing our goals. Share your resolutions with a friend and have planned check-ins to discuss what you’ve accomplished and what you’re still working on. When you do reach your goal, victory will be that much sweeter!

3. Schedule it (and track progress!)

Getting fired up for a goal isn’t the hard part, but keeping the fire going can be. By allotting time in your busy schedule to focus on reaching your resolution, you’re giving your goal regular periods of undivided attention. Another boost of encouragement can come from tracking your goal! We create a spreadsheet to concede with our schedule that shows everything we’ve done to get closer to our goal.

4. Be patient

Patience - this alone is a New Year’s resolution. We can get so excited about a goal that when we don’t succeed overnight, we feel deflated. We know it’s said often, but “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Believe that what you’re doing is taking you one step closer to the finish line, and don’t give up!
