The Influenist | Empowering The Creative Powerhouses of Tomorrow

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3 Things Everyone Should Have if They Want to be Productive

Imagine this. It’s a Monday - not wanting to get out of pjs but having a never-ending list of deadlines. The last thing you want to do is be productive. Sound familiar? It’s hard to get work done when your mind is just not in it. I think it’s safe to say, we’ve all been there, and we’ve also picked up some tips that help our minds focus and mindsets stay positive.

1. A Structured To-Do List

How are you supposed to conquer your to-do if you can’t even remember it? Forgetting a deadline or special date adds stress to your plate, so always right down the tasks you need to complete before you get into the day. If you’re still feeling overwhelmed by everything you have to get done, we feel you. Try breaking up your list into sections, with subcategories for errands, chores, personal, and professional!

2. A Good Morning Routine

A good morning routine is like a shot of caffeine. It sets the energy and pace of the day and helps put you in the right mindset to conquer the day. There’s no cookie cutter routine, but here’s a general outline you can mold to fit you.

  • Set an alarm and stick to it (aka don’t hit snooze). The night before, choose a time you want or need to start your day. If you know you’re someone you needs a couple alarms to get up, that’s okay, but restructure your alarm system, so you’re not tempted to press snooze 50 times (been there, done that!)

  • Get up and move. You can dance, walk, do yoga - just get your body moving. When blood starts flowing, creativity starts flowing!

  • Nourish your body. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and they’re not wrong! Giving your body with nutrients and hydration boosts your mood and mindset. Not a big morning person? No worries! Try to drink a glass of water and eat some toast and fruit before jumping into the day!

  • Clean up. Ever wish your life looked like a skincare commercial? Bright and energized, and how exactly do they make washing their face look so good?! Taking the time to wash your face, brush your teeth, and comb your hair has the power to transform the day and your attitude.

  • Journal or read. Whether you want to spill your thoughts or soak up someone else’s, the transfer of knowledge can prime your brain for creativity and productivity. Remember to pause all the distractions (put your phone down, turn music or the TV off, and find a quiet space) and focus on you!

3. A Clean Workspace

Sometimes, life gets away from you, and all of a sudden, you’re looking for your desk under a pile of random knick-knacks. While organized chaos is a thing, a clean space is a clean mind. If you’re not known to prioritize cleaning, schedule time in your calendar every week to do general housekeeping around your workspace (promise you - it’s a life and productivity saver!)

Do you have any productivity tips? Let us know in the comments below or DM us (@theinfluenist) on Instagram!
